• 7 Awesome CloudFormation Hacks

    Since AWS introduced native YAML support, CloudFormation templates are much more readable than before. Also, the introduced intrinsic functions help a lot to build awesome templates. But sometimes the solution to a problem is not that obvious and often not well documented. This blog post should remind me to some...

  • A better solution to ECS AutoScaling

    Update: It seems this blog post was the trigger for AWS to build their own solution. Since CapacityProviders are released I recommend to use them instead. Have a look into Nick Coulton’s deep dive to understand how they work. In a previous blog post, I showed you how an ECS...

  • Install Docker Swarm on AWS via CloudFormation

    Have you ever tried to setup a Docker Swarm cluster on AWS by yourself? In this blog post, I’ll provide the necessary CloudFormation templates that are needed to setup a Docker Swarm cluster from scratch. If you want to avoid setting up Docker Swarm manually, have a look at Docker...

  • Install Docker 1.13 on AWS via CloudFormation

    Docker 1.13 has recently been released and what I realized is that there are no good CloudFormation templates available. So I created my own CloudFormation template which creates an EC2 instance based on Ubuntu AMI and installs Docker. If you just want to play around with Docker (without any installation)...

  • Docker on ECS: Scale your cluster automatically

    When you run an ECS cluster in production it happens that the cluster becomes too small and it can’t schedule new tasks (AWS term for running containers). Of course, you can add new container instances (EC2) but why should you do it manually when you can automate it? On the...