Philipps Blog
Living in Bavaria. Working in the Cloud. AWS Container Hero
Hey CDK, how can I migrate my existing CloudFormation templates?
After seeing some demos or trying out the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), many questions arise. How can I migrate? What’s about my existing resources? What is the Context about? And so on. Watch my talk at re:Invent 2020 The journey of an AWS CloudFormation template to AWS CDK Together...
Construct your own CDK Construct Library
As I wrote in the AWS Blog, the biggest advantage of the AWS CDK for me is that you can write your own Constructs and then easily share them using existing package managers. This guide should help you to set up your own CDK Library and how to share your...
The easiest way to use EFS volumes with ECS
Finally, AWS released the ECS support for Docker volume drivers and volume plugins. You can now use volume plugins like Rexray or Portworx to automatically mount EBS or EFS volumes. But if you just want to use an EFS volume, there’s an easier way. Mount EFS volumes by using Docker’s...
First look into AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
I have been using CloudFormation since I started using AWS in 2014. It helped me to get an overview of all the different services on AWS. I also like the declarative style to define your infrastructure and let CloudFormation do all the work. Coming from a DataCenter where you had...
Jenkins on ECS: An Overview
With the new pipelines architecture, Jenkins re-invented itself and is still one of the most popular CI/CD tools. Let me show, how you can set up a fully containerized Jenkins running on top of Amazon ECS. This blog post gives you a rough overview of the involved components. In future...